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“Lord, you have called me: here I am!”


On this first Lent Sunday, the Church invited us to follow Jesus into the desert. The Gospel tells us that this occurs immediately after Jesus’s baptism, when the Spirit leads Him into the desert so he may be tempted… 


We began the Holy Mass celebration, joyfully and faithfully singing: “Lord, with Thee we shall go to the desert…”, not forgetting that this desert truly exists in our own lives.


For our Sister Anne of Jesus, this was first and foremost the day she answered: “Lord, you have called me: here I am!” The Holy Spirit led her to the desert of Carmel, as her Lord is willing to speak to her heart.


The desert is a place of struggle, but our Lord has made it holy. He went there before us so that it may become the space of a meeting of His Heart to our heart. In the desert, the most important thing is to be with the Lord, He is there. Many saints such as our Mother Saint Theresa of Jesus have witnessed it, but also Anne of Jesus who will be beatified this year.


We walk together with Sisters living the same vocation in the Church, yet we stay alone to answer the call of God… Solitude has its dares. Yet, it remains a condition allowing a true encounter with God. The desert shall lead us to a better knowledge of ourselves and to a true encounter with our brothers and sisters.


Jesus opened the path and we follow his steps. Our chief weapon is and shall always remain the Word of God. It is also our daily bread, as “not by bread alone does man live, but by every word which proceeds from the mouth of God" (Mt 4:4).


During this celebration we rejoiced to see Sr Anne’s parents, some of her siblings along with friends.


We are grateful to you all who have shared this celebration, here or with your prayers.

May God bless you all!


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